- Lay flat on the incline bench with your feet on the ground. Raise the dumbbells until you have straight arms.
- Lower the dumbbells to your mid chest
- Raise the dumbbells until you've locked your elbows.
- Start by standing in front of a flat bench with your feet shoulder-width apart and holding a dumbbell in one hand.
- Place your other hand on the bench for support, and bend at the waist so that your chest is parallel to the ground.
- From this starting position, row the dumbbell up towards your chest, squeezing your shoulder blade together as you do so.
- Make sure to keep your elbow close to your body and your core engaged throughout the movement.
- With dumbbells in either hand, bend your knees with your feet slightly bowed out. Arch your back above your knees, and start with the weights touching in front of your chest.
- With bent elbows, raise your arms up to shoulder level, pausing at the at the end of the motion.
- Slowly lower your arms back to starting position.
- Stand up straight with a dumbbell in each hand at arm's length.
- Raise one dumbbell and twist your forearm until it is vertical and your palm faces the shoulder.
- Lower to original position and repeat with opposite arm
- The cable should be set all the way at the top of the machine.
- Make sure to keep your upper arm glued at your side. Extend your elbows until you feel your triceps contract.
- Sit on a bench with back support. Raise the dumbbells to shoulder height with your palms forward.
- Raise the dumbbells upwards and pause at the contracted position.
- Lower the weights back to starting position.