- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Maintain the natural arch in your back, squeezing your shoulder blades and raising your chest.
- Grip the bar across your shoulders and support it on your upper back. Unwrack the bar by straightening your legs, and take a step back.
- Bend your knees as you lower the weight without altering the form of your back until your hips are below your knees.
- Raise the bar back to starting position, lift with your legs and exhale at the top.
- Stand with your mid-foot under the bar and grip the bar with your hands, about a shoulder width apart.
- Bend your knees, then lift the bar by straightening your back. It is important to keep your back straight.
- Stand to your full height and hold.
- Lower the bar to the floor by bending your knees and keeping your back straight.
- Sit on the ground with a bench behind you. Have the barbell over your legs just above your hips.
- Lean back against the bench so that your shoulders are resting upon it, stretch your arms out to either side using the bench as support.
- Raise the weight by driving through your feet and extending your hips upwards. Support the weight with your shoulders and feet.
- Slowly extend as far as you can, and then slowly return to the starting position.
- Begin by standing in front of a sturdy box or bench that is about knee-height.
- Place your right foot on the box and push through the heel to lift your body up and onto the box, bring your off leg all the way through until your leg is parallel with the ground.
- Step back down with your right foot, lowering your left foot to the ground.
- Lay on your back with your arms palms down on either side.
- Keep your legs together and as straight as possible.
- Slowly raise your legs to a 90° angle, pause at this position, or as high as you can reach your legs, and then slowly lower your legs back down.
- Duration of these movements should be slow so that you do not utilize momentum, enabling you to get the most out of the exercise.
- Place forearms on the ground with your elbows bent at a 90° angle aligned beneath your shoulders, with your arms parallel at shoulder-width.
- Your feet should be together, with only your toes touching the floor.
- Lift your belly off the floor and form a straight line from your heels to the crown of your head and hold.