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Stop Struggling with Diets: Lose Weight While Eating Foods You Love

The Only Weight Loss Program That Frees You from Diet Culture

Say Goodbye To Overeating, Restricting, And Endless Dieting.

Let’s call it out: carbs are not bad and you do not have a willpower problem.

The problem is the diet culture mindset that has lied to you. Causes you to cut out entire food groups, restrict your favorite foods to see the scale go down, and binge when you make a small mistake and punish yourself to get back on track.I used to do all of this too. I thought that something was wrong with me, that I would never figure out weight loss. Until I discovered a better way - one that focused on mindset and helped me heal my relationship with food while losing weight (60lbs to be exact) - and now I’m teaching you exactly how to do it too inside of Vibe Club.

Inside Vibe Club You'll...


Eat your favorite foods AND lose weight!

It doesn’t have to be either or. Learn how to eat food you love while listening to your body.


Ditch Anxiety Around Junk Food

Order your family a pizza and stay on plan. Learn tools to navigate temptations so you can feel confident in staying on track.


Become a Pro at Getting Back on Track

Stop going off the rails for days when you have one little “slip-up”. Learn how to stop having an all-or-nothing mindset.


Make it EASY to Stick to Your Plan

An easy plan is a consistent plan. Stop planning with your diet mentality and start planning like you love yourself.

It’s exhausting wondering what to eat, what exercises to do, and to not even know if it’s going to work.

It’s time to delete My Fitness Pal
We both know it’s not sustainable. The second you stop logging your food you completely check out and eat everything. What started as something helpful turns into a full blown obsession over every calorie and point.

I’ll teach you how to eat on weekdays, weekends, and vacations without it affecting your weight or mental health. You can enjoy the special moments, live your life AND lose weight.

Weight Loss Doesn't Have to Suck, I promise
No more forcing yourself to eat foods you hate or killing yourself with exercise. I'll show you how to enjoy the journey and make it a breeze to stick to your plan.

Most importantly, we’ll ditch the negative self-talk and learn simple mindset shifts to create more self-compassion. It's time to stop hating ourselves and start loving the bodies we have. I will help you go from feeling confused to confident and create a sustainable plan that works for YOU.


Real people, Real Results


Real people, Real Results


Vibe Club has been a game-changer for me, and I can't recommend it enough. I have completely transformed my relationship with food. I can eat anything I want as long as I pay attention to my hunger cues. I have lost 28 pounds and kept it off, but I feel so relieved and empowered by this new mindset.

Fort Payne, AL

Not having structured meal plans worried me a bit when I started Vibe Club. I've learned that the little choices I make every day can add up to long term progress and I'm much more aware of that now. As a result, I’ve lost 15lbs since starting and have confidence I can continue succeeding.

Boise, ID
-11lbs in 2 months

I was hesitant to try another weight loss program because I didn't want to fail again and waste more moneyl, but Vibe Club is different. Vibe Club has given me the confidence to listen to my hunger and fullness cues.  I've lost 11 lbs in 2 months while still enjoying the foods I eat. I've never felt so confident in my ability to reach a healthy weight.

New Berlin, WI
- 7lbs in one month

I didn’t know if Vibe Club would work for me but I  have I lost 7 lbs in one month. Prior to starting Vibe Club, I was afraid to step on the scale or track my habits for fear of letting myself down and not being perfect. Vibe Club has taught me to let go of perfectionism and the all-or-nothing mentality.

Minneapolis, MN
Healed diet mentality

Vibe Club has completely changed my relationship with food. I've been able to heal from the harmful mentality of restrictive diets like keto and the toxic diet culture of the 90s. This program has become such an important and valued part of my life and I've learned to love myself and my journey, just as I am.

Yucaipa, CA
Legit— not a gimmick

Vibe Club is legit. It’s not a gimmick, it’s not bullshit. There’s an underlying theme of owning your decisions, but with so much positive support. I’m so happy I found Maggie and Vibe club. Since starting, I've lost 3lbs and I'm practicing reframing my thoughts and feelings during difficult moments. It's been amazing for me.

Salem, MA
coaching content

Indexed content at your fingertips

Access to all past coaching calls
Indexed content by category
Integrated podcast player
Save your favorites

Your plan in your pocket

Daily food planner
Daily  evaluation journal prompts
Troubleshooting journal prompts
Automated data tracking

What's included

The weight loss course, planner app, hundreds of hours of coaching calls and all the support you need.


Weight Loss Course

The Food Freedom and Weight Loss course will teach you everything to get you off the ground and running.


Group Coaching

Whether or not your being coached, you can observe the weekly coaching calls or listen back on the replays.



Join the discussion, ask questions, and get support in our community Facebook group.


Accountability Groups

Get paired up with an accountability partner for extra support.


Mobile App

All the indexed content at your fingertips and your daily planner in your pocket.

Frequently asked questions

General Questions

What does the $160 joining fee include?

The sign up fee covers all of the digital content you instantly receive when you join, including the sustainable weight loss course. From day 1, you can go back and listen to all our past calls— you can hit the ground running immediately (and should!).

Will I get a 1-1 coach?

We offer group coaching. You can submit to be coached on one of our group coaching calls. It is just as powerful to watch members be coached, because we are an outside spectator looking in. We don't have one on one coaches, but we make sure that if you have any questions, they get answered.

Does this program include counting calories/macros?

There is no calorie counting or macro tracking in Vibe Club. The process I teach is a mindful approach to losing weight where I teach you how to connect to your hunger and fullness and reduce emotional overeating. Vibe Club is not recommended if your plan is continued macro and calorie tracking as it gets in the way of connecting with your body's signals.

Do you provide meal plans?

No, I believe in teaching you how to build your own meal plan that you love, and trust yourself to follow each day, right now, so you can get to where you want to be.

What if I can't attend live calls?

Most of our members listen to the live calls on REPLAY. It's so convenient. You can watch the video replay whenever you have time to listen. While it is encouraged, most members do not listen to every single video and live stream.

What if I am not on Facebook, will I be able to use the program?

Yes. Facebook is just for community support and like-minded women to have discussions around the content and coaching.

Can I join if I am outside of the US?

Of course, that is the beautiful thing about the internet— it connects us all.

Can I join if I have special dietary needs?

Absolutely. What I teach and want for you is to create an eating plan that you can follow and that you love.

I don't have a lot of weight to lose, can I still join?

Learning how to maintain weight loss is just as important as the weight loss itself. Once you get to your goal weight, my methods will teach you how to keep your weight off mindlessly so you can start giving that energy to other aspects of your life.

I am super busy and concerned I won't be able to commit to the work involved.

You can listen to all of the coaching calls on the go via our private podcast or inside the coaching vault. Most clients never attend the trainings live; they just listen when they are shopping, doing laundry, exercising, or waiting in traffic.

I have a specific question, who do I contact?

If you have questions that are not answered on this page, feel free to email us at and we will get back to you.

Subscription & Billing

Is there a minimum commitment?

No, you can cancel your membership at any time by logging into your account here.

If I leave and come back will I have to pay the $160 join fee again?

Yes. The Vibe Club content is always being updated to make it better and improve the experience.

Can I pay with one credit card and switch to another?

Yes. Once you sign up, you can go to login to your account and manage your billing method.

Refund Policy

Due to the nature of this electronic product and the fact that it cannot be “returned”, we have a no refund policy.  Within minutes of ordering, you will be able to download months worth of our effort and knowledge. There is no undoing that once you access the members area.

There will be no partial (or prorated) refunds on monthly payments. Cancellations will be effective on the end date of the current billing term. Once your term has expired, you will be removed from our Facebook group. If you did not submit your cancellation request in time and the current month’s payment has already processed, we do not issue a refund for the current month.